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Decision in case of colonel described as inacceptable

Suarez Cordero was killed after receiving a shot to the head

SANTO DOMINGO. The Attorney General of the Republic, Francisco Dominguez Brito, described the sentence issued by the judges of the Third Collegiate Tribunal of the National District in the case of the death of the colonel of the National Polie, Julian Suarez Cordero, as "weak and unacceptable."

He revealed that he would appeal the sentence that calls for ten years in prison for Hector Eduardo Pichardo Hernandez and the dismissal of charges against the other defendants in the death of the National Police officer during some protests held at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD).

"This type of sentence ends a very negative message of weakness when it comes time to punish someone who committed a criminal act, such as this assassination of a man with an unblemished record of service, such as Colonel Suarez Cordero, who, unarmed and doing his duty, tried to mediate between the demonstrators," said the Attorney General.

The sentence was issued last Friday by judges Natividad Ramona Santos, Rafael Pacheco, and Arlin Ventura, who dismissed charges against Wilson Daciel Javier Nolasco, Diogenes Isidro Gutierrez, Victor Alfonso Gonzalez Hernandez and Eddy Giovanny Bonilla Cabrera.

Elvis Julian Sanchez, the son of the murdered colonel, revealed that the family of the officer received dozens of threatening calls during the entire legal process. The calls were aimed at dropping the case.

"They called my mother's house all the time with nasty calls to leave things like they were," said Sanchez at Police Headquarters. Regarding the sentence, he pointed out that the family has mixed feelings. "One part feels good, because it was proven who shot against our father, but at the same time, very bad, because the sentence is very poor."

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