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Country is still A(H1N1) free

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Country is still A(H1N1) free
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC.- The 38 year old woman is free of body aches and doing house work, and her tests for the A(H1N1) influenza came back negative.

This was the passenger that arrived yesterday, Wednesday, from Pennsylvania via New York, and when she passed in front of one of the thermographs installed in the Las Americas International Airport (AILA) her body temperature was registered as being more than normal.

As he offered this information to reporters, the Minister of Public Health said that the woman no longer has a fever and that she has a non-respiratory virus. He explained that the patient received the proper care as established by the sanitary protocols.

Bautista Rojas Gomez said that the patient was visited on more than one occasion by a team of epidemiologists and the personnel of Area IV of Public health who confirmed her good state of health.

Meeting in Jimani

Referring to another issue, the minister reported that tomorrow, Saturday, he would meet with the health minister from Haiti, Alex Larsen, in order to exchange experiences on the measures that they have taken to avoid the entry of the virus called A(H1N1) into the island.

The meeting will be held in the town of Jimani, Independencia province, at 10:00 a.m. and is an initiative of the Pan American Health Organization (OPS) that will also have its representatives at the meeting.

Talking about the meeting, Rojas Gomez said that he had informed the President and Fernandez had given his approval.

According to the minister, the decision to meet came after participating in a video conference with the Haitian minister that was coordinated by the OPS, Cristina Noguera and the representatives in Haiti

The minister said that in the activity they talked about different issues of the measures that were being taken with the idea of avoiding the virus entering the island.

"I feel very happy because this was a sincere, open conversation that was full of optimism about the actions that we can take jointly in the face of this epidemic that has affected more than 20 nations on several continents," he said.

He pointed out that until now there have been no reported cases with the presence of the virus A(H1N1) in either of the nations that make up the island and where he assured reporters that the vigilance continues and preventive measures are in place.

Publicity prohibited

The Minister of Public Health reported moreover that he had prohibited the publicity of several companies that utilize the image of pigs and names the swine flu as the A(H1N1) virus.

The measure also includes a message from one official that makes an allusion to the term "porcine". The prohibition comes after a meeting with the hog farmers who protested over the reduction in sales of pork meat.

At the same time the hog farmers met with the Minister of Agriculture, Salvador Jimenez, who called on the population to consume pork and who said that the flu only affects humans.

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